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时间:2019-07-15 00:25
   对于和父母关系十分亲密的“妈宝男”和“爸宝女”,网上有颇多争议。有人认为他们不够独立,或者父母对他们过于溺爱。但一项最新研究显示,“妈宝男”和“爸宝女”心理更健康。   They may be the stereotypical butt of jokes. But mummy’s boys are less likely to suffer from poor mental health or unpopularity at school, research suggests. 这听上去像是老套的笑话,但研究显示,妈宝男不太容易出现心理健康问题,而且在学校人缘也不错。 And the same is true for daddy’s girls, who enjoy a similar lift in their self-esteem and confidence. 爸宝女也是如此。她们的自尊和自信程度也都较高。 The study by the Marriage Foundation concluded that boys and girls who are close to their parent of the opposite sex fare better at coping with teenage life. 美国婚姻基金会开展的这项研究得出结论称,与妈妈关系亲密的男孩和与爸爸关系亲密的女孩更适应青春期。 Boys deemed ‘extremely close’ to their mothers at 14 are 41 percent less likely to have mental health problems, the research found. 研究发现,被认为与妈妈“非常亲近”的14岁男孩出现心理健康问题的几率会降低41%。   And girls close to their fathers are 44 percent less likely to suffer emotional problems or have trouble with their peers. 与父亲关系亲近的女孩出现情绪问题或与同龄人交流问题的几率要低44%。 While boys are happier when their parents are married, girls are more reassured by their parents demonstrating a high-quality relationship. 在父母婚姻关系存续期间,男孩生活得更加开心,而女孩更容易因为父母表现出的高质量情感关系而感到更加安心。 The analysis, which uses Millennium Cohort Study data from 11,000 mothers, found that the biggest factor affecting teenage mental health was family breakdown. 这项分析使用了千禧世代研究中来自1.1万名母亲的数据。结果发现,影响青少年心理健康的最大因素是家庭破裂。 Harry Benson, research director of Marriage Foundation, who co-authored the study with Professor Steve McKay from the University of Lincoln, said: ‘Our analysis shows once again that family breakdown remains the number one driver of teenage mental health problems. 婚姻基金会的研究主管哈里-本森说:“我们的分析再次显示,家庭破裂对青少年心理健康影响最大。”他和林肯大学的史蒂夫-麦凯教授共同撰写了这份研究报告。 ‘Our really interesting new finding is that boys and girls are especially influenced by their relationship with the opposite sex parent. “我们真正有趣的新发现是,男孩受妈妈影响大,女孩受爸爸影响大。” ‘Boys who are close to their mum tend to have better mental health, as do girls who are close to their dad. “和妈妈关系亲密的男孩以及和爸爸亲密的女孩心理更健康。” ‘The fact that these links only apply to one parent and not both suggests that it’s the closeness with parents that affects the child’s mental health and not the other way around. “这种关系只体现在父母中的一方,而不是双方,这表明是孩子与父母的亲密关系在影响着孩子的心理状况,而不是孩子的心理状况在影响其与父母的关系。”  